These music videos and photo galleries come from the many concerts, festivals, and workshops Fantuzzi has been part of worldwide. You'll see performances and photos from festivals such as BhaktiFest,and Burning Man, from Estonia, Lithuania, Australia, England and more. Some of the photos come from the Rainbow Gatherings Fantuzzi famously attends each year. Enjoy!
“From TED talks at Burning Man to the cover of Newsweek magazine, Fantuzzi represents the very roots of the love revolution, which dig deep and have now spread across 2 centuries and 3 generations... he represents a culture of radical magic, unity in diversity, and Aquarian ideals - such as making art not war and waging peace from the inside out... He represents the ever-waxing conviction and never-fading ideal that freedom is the way, that love is the answer, and that peace shall prevail on Earth. ”
Fantuzzi Videos